University of Maryland


Trace Participates in Advisory Committee for 508/255 Review

The U.S. Access Board has formed an Advisory Committee to review and suggest changes to the accessibility standards for electronic and information technologies purchased by the Federal government (pursuant to Section 508) and also the guidelines for accessibility of telecommunications (mandated by Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act). Trace Center Director Gregg Vanderheiden was selected […]

HFES Conference Panel on High Tech Standards

Trace Center Director Gregg Vanderheiden will chair a panel that will be discussing usability and accessibility standards to ensure the successful utilization of advanced technology by all members of society. This panel is a special program at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society on Oct. 17, 2006, in San Francisco. […]

New Universal Remote Console Simulation Environment Released

The Trace Center has released version 3.1 of its open-source Universal Remote Console Simulation Environment. This Web-based simulation platform for applications based on the family of Universal Remote Console (URC) standards runs a set of graphical simulations of URC clients and targets from your Web browser (as Java applets) or operating system (as Java applications). […]

Emergency Communication Report Now Available

The RERC on Telecommunications Access has now published the report on Research and Policy Recommendations from the State of the Science Conference on Accessible Emergency Notification and Communication. The report includes 60 recommendations for research, information and training, and public policy.

Trace URC Software Development Kit 3.0 Released

The Trace Center has released version 3.0 of its open-source Software Development Kit for developers and manufacturers of Universal Remote Consoles (URCs) and Target devices. The URC Software Development Kit (SDK) is the first public Java code library based on the family of ANSI standards on URC. The code is based on JDK 1.5 or […]

Universal Remote Console Standards in Final Committee Draft

A Universal Remote Console (URC) draft standard has been submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC35 for final committee draft voting. If this vote is successful, the draft standard will then be passed on to JTC1 for final voting and publication as an ISO/IEC International Standard. The URC standard will allow users to operate compliant devices with […]

Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool

The Trace Center’s Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT) analyzes web content to detect any bright and rapid flashes, especially red flash, and some spatial patterns that might trigger seizures. The beta release of PEAT is available as a free download.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Last Call

A Last Call Working Draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) has been released by the W3C for broad community review and comment. WCAG 2.0 addresses accessibility of web content for people with disabilities. It will apply to a wider range of web technologies than WCAG 1.0, and is intended to be […]

Updated Resource on Accessible Emergency Communication

Extensive information from the recent State of the Science Conference on Accessible Emergency Notification and Communication is now available online. Links to webcasts, speaker slides, and summaries or transcripts from the conference are included. A resource containing over 30 reports from organizations and government agencies on this topic is also available.

Catalyst Award Presented to Sheryl Burgstahler

The 2006 Harry J. Murphy Catalyst Award was presented to Sheryl Burgstahler at the CSUN Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference on March 21, 2006. This biennial award is presented by the Trace Center to honor those who bring people together and facilitate the efforts of others in the field of technology and disability. The […]

Video Available from Accessible Emergency Communication Conference

The archived webcast from the State of the Science Conference on Accessible Emergency Notification and Communication is now available, courtesy of the National Organization on Disability, TV, and Gallaudet University. (Note that captions will appear if you use Internet Explorer and Windows. Text materials and presenters’ slides will be available in accessible format soon […]

New Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Draft

The W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has released a new public working draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0). This release introduces a new document, Understanding WCAG 2.0, which provides detailed information on each success criterion. Instructions for submitting review comments, links to supporting documents, and specific questions the working […]

Mary Sesto Named a TEAM Scholar

Trace Center Scientist Mary Sesto (PT, PhD) was selected as a scholar in the Training and Education to Advance Multidisciplinary Clinical Research (TEAM) Program at UW-Madison. This program is funded by the NIH to train future leaders in clinical research from multiple disciplines to translate scientific discovery into evidence-based policies and practices that improve the […]

Center Director Named to National Committee on Disability

Trace Center Director Gregg Vanderheiden has been appointed to the National Academies Institute of Medicine Committee on Disability in America. This committee will consider continuing gaps in disability science and the evidence base for public and private actions to reduce the impact of disability and related conditions on individuals and society in the United States, […]

Universal Remote Console Standards Adopted by ANSI

A group of five new information technology standards, adopted this summer by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), are based in part on the Trace Center’s work on universal remote consoles. The standards were developed by the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards (INCITS) V2 Technical Committee, of which the Trace Center was a founding […]

  • Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility

    The TRACE RERC is an active participant in MIDA, a new organization focused on the design of technology products that are "born-accessible."

    Raising the Floor

    The primary development partner of the TRACE RERC since 2013, the team at the nonprofit Raising the Floor is continuing the development and deployment of Morphic and AT-on-Demand, and will partner on several development activities in the new RERC grant.