University of Maryland


Amanda Lazar Shares Concerns about Healthcare AI for the Elderly and People with Disabilities

Hopes, concerns emerge on healthcare AI for the elderly and people with disabilities Original Story by Dave Pearson, May 22, 2019 AI in Healthcare Physicians considering new technology for their practices tend to ask one or more of four questions before moving ahead: Does it actually work? Will I get paid for it? What are the […]

Visualizing for the Non-Visual

Enabling the visually impaired to access charts on the web using deep learning Original Story by Niklas Elmqvist Sparks of Innovation: Stories from the HCIL The fact that visualization leverages the human visual system to convey data is not only inherent in the name “visualization” itself, it is also endemic to the discipline. A huge part […]

UMD iSchool Professor, Dr. Jonathan Lazar, Receives Google Faculty Research Award

Dr. Jonathan Lazar, UMD iSchool Professor, received a Google Faculty Research Award for the next academic year. Dr. Lazar’s Google faculty research award focuses on the development of new metrics for use in automated accessibility testing tools, for more accurately measuring web accessibility in large organizations. Dr. Lazar is involved in research and teaching in human-computer […]

USPS Kiosks Now Use Trace EZ Access Touch Screen Keypads

The new version of the United States Postal Service’s popular Automated Postal Center includes the updated EZ Access keypad developed by the Trace Center at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies (iSchool). The keypad, along with software techniques developed by Trace, makes it possible for people with low vision, blindness, physical and cognitive disabilities to use touchscreen-based […]

Updated Post Office Kiosks Use Trace EZ Access Keypad

The new version of the United States Postal Service’s popular Automated Postal Center includes the updated EZ Access keypad developed by the Trace Center. The keypad, along with software techniques developed by Trace, makes it possible for people with low vision, blindness, physical and cognitive disabilities to use touchscreen-based public systems. The original APC, which […]

$4.625 million R&D Grant on Inclusive Information & Communication Technology Awarded to Trace Center

The Trace Research & Development Center is the recipient of a $4.625 million, five-year Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (link is external) (NIDILRR), part of the Administration for Community Living (link is external), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (link is external). […]

GPII Unified Listing and DeveloperSpace Launched

Two key components of the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII), DeveloperSpace and Unified Listing, are now available online. Both were developed as part of the Prosperity4all project and launched at the 2017 AAATE Congress in Sheffield, UK. The Trace Center collaborated in this effort and is now leading the development and pilot testing of the […]

Telecom RERC Real-Time Text Effort Culminates in FCC Adoption

On December 15, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) amended its rules to allow phone companies to replace support for TTY with support for real-time text (RTT). This caps a 15 year effort led by the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Telecommunications Access at the Trace Center and Gallaudet University. Adoption of RTT will make communication […]

Trace Center 45th Anniversary

Current and former students, staff, clients, colleagues, and friends gathered on July 8, 2016 at the UW Discovery Building and via teleconference to celebrate 45 years of work focused on technology and disability. David Kelso was recognized for his 43 years as the Trace Center’s technical director. Center Director Gregg Vanderheiden reviewed many of the […]

University of Maryland’s iSchool is Trace Center’s New Home

As of August 2016, the Trace Center is now a part of the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland in College Park. Trace Center Director Gregg Vanderheiden explained: “The Trace Center and the iSchool are a natural fit, with both deeply interested in human-computer interface, with interaction, including a special interest in […]

Trace Center Leads Project for Pilot Implementation of GPII

The Automated Personalization Computing Project (APCP), funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration of the U.S. Dept. of Education, will be the first large-scale deployment of the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). The GPII combines cloud computing, web, and platform services to make computers and online information and services available for people facing barriers to accessibility. […]

European Partners Launch Prosperity4all Project

The European Commission awarded 7 million euros to a consortium of 25 members and collaborators in Europe, Canada, and the US to begin building and testing tools to facilitate creation and marketing of new access solutions in the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure (GPII). The Prosperity4all project complements the Trace Center’s current research and development projects. […]

State of the Science Proceedings Published in Universal Access Journal

A state of the science conference on the Cloud, Accessibility and the Future was held at the University of Wisconsin – Madison on September 21 and 22, 2013. The purpose of the conference was to gain a better understanding of current and emerging issues around digital inclusion and strategies for effectively addressing inclusion in our […]

Trace Director Gregg Vanderheiden Elected HFES Fellow

Dr. Gregg Vanderheiden, Director of the Trace Center and Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE) as well as Biomedical Engineering (BME) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s College of Engineering, was named an HFES 2012 Fellow at the Opening Plenary Session of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, held in […]

Trace Center Receives 6th Annual Roland Wagner Award

The Trace Research & Development Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison received a prestigious award at the 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2012) from the Austrian Computer Society. The award, known as the Roland Wagner European Award for Computers Helping People with Special Needs, was presented to Dr. Gregg […]

  • Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility

    The TRACE RERC is an active participant in MIDA, a new organization focused on the design of technology products that are "born-accessible."

    Raising the Floor

    The primary development partner of the TRACE RERC since 2013, the team at the nonprofit Raising the Floor is continuing the development and deployment of Morphic and AT-on-Demand, and will partner on several development activities in the new RERC grant.